Broz With Froz [BWFZ]

CEOdogg78Tax rate0.019999999552965%

Alliance history

Broz With FrozEve's Misguided Children2020-12-12 18:002021-01-11 11:0329 days, 17 hours and 3 minutes
Broz With FrozEve's Misguided Children2018-02-26 18:072020-12-12 18:002 years, 9 months, 15 days, 23 hours and 53 minutes
Broz With FrozTactical Narcotics Team2018-02-12 14:482018-02-26 18:0714 days, 3 hours and 19 minutes
Broz With FrozBrothers in Arms Alliance2017-12-17 13:062018-02-12 14:481 month, 26 days, 1 hour and 42 minutes
Broz With FrozInitiative Associates2017-12-02 21:332017-12-17 13:0614 days, 15 hours and 33 minutes
Broz With FrozAtlas. Alliance2017-10-20 23:092017-12-02 21:331 month, 11 days, 22 hours and 24 minutes
Broz With FrozWild.Hunt2017-10-05 23:562017-10-20 23:0914 days, 23 hours and 13 minutes
Broz With FrozDot Dot Dot2016-08-14 17:162017-10-05 23:561 year, 1 month, 21 days, 6 hours and 40 minutes
Broz With FrozF-I-N-K and Co.2016-05-29 12:382016-08-14 17:162 months, 16 days, 4 hours and 38 minutes
Broz With FrozSolyaris Chtonium2015-12-07 12:342016-05-29 12:385 months, 22 days and 4 minutes
Broz With FrozBattlecruisin' Space Goats2015-11-03 03:062015-12-07 12:341 month, 4 days, 9 hours and 28 minutes
Broz With FrozSpaceMonkey's Alliance2013-11-27 07:032015-11-03 03:061 year, 11 months, 6 days, 20 hours and 3 minutes
Broz With FrozEve's Misguided Children2013-11-18 23:412013-11-27 07:038 days, 7 hours and 22 minutes
Broz With FrozDefiance Enterprises2013-07-17 19:182013-11-18 23:414 months, 1 day, 4 hours and 23 minutes
Broz With FrozEve's Misguided Children2013-06-16 16:192013-07-17 19:181 month, 1 day, 2 hours and 59 minutes
Broz With FrozEves Misguided Children2012-04-30 00:342013-06-16 16:191 year, 1 month, 17 days, 15 hours and 45 minutes
Broz With FrozBLACK-MARK2012-02-04 22:242012-04-30 00:342 months, 25 days, 2 hours and 10 minutes
Broz With FrozImportant Internet Spaceship League2011-12-21 14:052012-02-04 22:241 month, 14 days, 8 hours and 19 minutes
Broz With FrozEves Misguided Children2011-09-11 00:292011-12-21 14:053 months, 10 days, 13 hours and 36 minutes
Broz With FrozThe Scapegoats2011-06-26 05:122011-09-11 00:292 months, 15 days, 19 hours and 17 minutes
Broz With FrozEves Misguided Children2011-04-17 04:482011-06-26 05:122 months, 9 days and 24 minutes
Broz With FrozFidelas Constans2011-01-17 21:232011-04-17 04:482 months, 30 days, 7 hours and 25 minutes
Broz With FrozBlack Star Alliance2010-10-09 00:492011-01-17 21:233 months, 8 days, 20 hours and 34 minutes
u"To whom this may concern,

Though we may seem like a nice choice to join as your future corp, the truth is, you would be mistaken. We are shabby, lazy, and overall incompetent when it comes to accomplishing menial tasks that require minimum effort and dedication. To highlight some of our exploits, we have fired upon our own poses out of anger and ineptitude, and subsequently been annihilated by our own pos in turn. We have shut off poses lying in space out of boredom and carelessness, and also gotten poses stolen on occasion due to personal error. In fleet battles, we have a flawless record of bumping Titans in the middle of large battles and creating havoc that has lost us wars. In order to simplify and hopefully clarify, you must realize that we are the pure embodiment of Murphy\u2019s Law.

On the other hand, we inspire fear and are relentlessly vicious \u2026 when it comes to mining veldspar. Some of those high sec rocks have never seen so many mining lasers emanating from a caracal before, and they shall never see it again! Our primary ship of choice is either the Minmitar or Amarr shuttle hull, however more often than not we are blessed with the worshipful Ibis in its stead. We make our enemy fall at our feet, and though it be laughing, we find it a perfect time to strike. Have you ever been attacked by a ravenous small fleet of Ibis engaging on your position? \u201cWho\u2019s laughing now?!\u201d, we ask.

Some of our scotch-riddled conversations may sporatically evolve into enlightened discussions of fine wine, science, and life in general, giving the impression that we are amicable people with sophisticated cultural backgrounds and intellectual prowess - but don't be fooled! We are cantankerous and edgy, poorly groomed, and drunk most of the time we\u2019re online. Our math is bad and our sepllign is worse, which leads to numerous failed contracts and an enormous waste of our meager amount of cash. \u201cUnreliable\u201d would be the word to use to describe us if only we knew what that word actually meant. We are a boon to the enemy, and a ticking time bomb to our allies. Blessed with impeccable judgment, most of our members have a killboard that is similar to that of high sec rats (but the big ones).

Most importantly, though we are small in size, we can make quite a mess when someone screws with us or our friends. So do yourself a favor and come join the fray - see what our shinanigans are all about. We are typically a greater danger to ourselves than we are to others (most likely), but will do everything in our power to avoid screwing up your day.

Good luck out there, don't suck, and as always, fly hard.

- BWFZ Crix Jericho"



~ Updated at: 2024-09-21 08:03:54 ~

~ Next update in: 18 minutes ~

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